Saturday, 30 January 2010

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Friday, 22 January 2010

India Issues Terror Alert Over Possible Hijacking

NEW DELHI — Indian airports were on high alert Friday after intelligence services received information that Al Qaeda-linked militants were plotting to hijack a plane.

Such an attack would be the first major terror strike against India since 10 militants rampaged through the city of Mumbai for three days in November 2008, killing 166 people.

Aviation spokeswoman Moushumi Chakravarty said that the airports were placed on alert Thursday after the government received warnings from the intelligence agencies.

A report in The Indian Express newspaper, which Chakravarty confirmed, said intelligence officials had uncovered a plot by militants linked to Al Qaeda and the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba group to hijack an Air India or Indian Airlines flight destined for a neighboring South Asian country.

U.K. Bansal, a top home ministry official, said security was tightened at all airports and passengers were being subjected to more intense security screenings. The India Express reported that sky marshals would also be deployed on flights around the region.

Indian media said the hijack threat was uncovered during the interrogation of Amjad Khwaja, a militant leader belonging to Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami, an extremist group involved in numerous terror attacks in India.

Khwaja was arrested in the southern Indian city of Chennai last week and was being questioned by Indian police.

The terror alert came just days after U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates warned that a syndicate of terror groups affiliated with Al Qaeda was trying to foment a new war between India and Pakistan.

The nuclear-armed neighbors have fought three wars, and efforts to resolve their long-running dispute over the Kashmir region were frozen after the Pakistan-based militants attacked Mumbai in 2008.

Gates praised India for its restraint after the Mumbai attack, but expressed concern that the government would have a hard time reacting so cautiously if it were hit again.

In December 1999, Islamic militants hijacked an Air India flight from Nepal's capital, Katmandu, to Kandahar in southern Afghanistan.

The hijacking ended when New Delhi released four Islamic militants in exchange for 167 passengers and crew.

Source: Fox News

Thursday, 21 January 2010

6 Assassination Attempts that Almost F#@ked the World

We could play the what-if game all day. "What if Hitler had really been killed in the Operation Valkyrie assassination plot?" Answer: Not a hell of a lot would be different.

But that's not always the case. Some assassination attempts have come dangerously close to changing the world in horrifying ways. We're not saying we'd be living in a land of breakdancing dinosaurs and chocolate flavored rainbows if a few things had gone the other way ... we're just saying we might all be Nazis.

The Kaplan Incident

The Target:

Vladimir Lenin

If Successful:

The Nazis would have won World War II.

Fanny Kaplan, besides sounding like an LSAT prep teacher slash old-time burlesque dancer, was a political revolutionary during the Bolshevik Revolution. Unfortunately for her, she wasn't a Bolshevik, but a Socialist Revolutionary and her party was banned by Lenin shortly after he came into power. Already a little messed up in the head from a stint in a Siberian prison, Fanny figured assassinating Vladimir Lenin would be the perfect way to get her party back on track.

So she fired three shots at him on August 30, 1918. He survived the assassination attempt, and showed her what was what by having her and a few thousand others assassinated three days later.

But What if She Succeeded?

The Bolshevik Revolution would have collapsed. And the Nazis would have won WWII.

By 1918, Lenin's ability to inspire crowds and his willingness to kill the crap out of anyone who opposed him was the only thing keeping the loose factions of the newly triumphant Bolsheviks together. Especially since his Czar-loving opposition, awesomely called the White Russians, were backed by the better funded Allies.

Delicious, delicious opposition.

Without Lenin, the White Russians would have won the struggle for control of Russia, and a non-communist, possibly even democratic government would have eventually emerged. So Joseph Stalin wouldn't have been around to kill tens of millions of Russian people, which would have been super, but there also would have been no "Uncle Joe" to drag Russia kicking and screaming into modernity so that they could have the military badassery to kill eight out of every 10 Germans that died in WWII.

Of course, that also means Hitler's ill-fated invasion of Russia may have been a raging success, providing the Nazis with the much needed manpower, raw materials and crops they needed to win the war. So, yeah, thanks Fanny. Thanks for failing.

You know your country's in for some hard times when "not shooting the tyrant" is the best option.

Giuseppe Zangara and The Man in The High Castle

The Target:

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

If Successful:

A Fascist planet.

In February 1933, America was in the anaconda vice hold of the Depression and Franklin Roosevelt was less than a month away from his first inauguration. But a five-foot tall bricklayer named Giuseppe Zangara nearly undid the 20th century when he showed up at an FDR speech in Miami with the intention (we think) of killing the president-elect.

Fortunately, Zangara was so short that he had to stand on a wobbly folding chair to get his shot, which missed. Then the surrounding crowd knocked the short out of him as Zangara fired wildly in FDR's general direction.


But What if He Succeeded?

Aside from the tragic loss of one of the most influential figures in history, how would the assassination of FDR have affected everyday life as we know it? According to one expert, we'd be living in something out of a science fiction novel. In fact, somebody did write a science-fiction novel about it, and he was none other than the legendary Philip K. Dick.

In 1963's The Man in the High Castle, Dick imagined the assassination of FDR as a "point of divergence," in history, triggering a domino of events starting with a weak Vice President Garner taking office. Unlike FDR, Garner maintains the stance of isolationism through the war. The Allies lose without America's help and, shortly thereafter, the Axis powers turn their attention to conquering the U.S. Which they do, in 1948.

Because Hitler's still alive, but debilitated by syphilis (?), his under-Fuhrer is the guy who starts rolling out the Mein Kampf agenda. Specifically, the eradication of the world's inferior races. And, oh yeah, Germany's unstoppable rocket program gets the Swastika on the moon, Mars and Venus, which is important because colonizing the solar system with National Socialism is all the rage.

You try weathering a Venusian summer without short shorts.

If looking at the Axis map below isn't enough to thank your god for Giuseppe Zangara's height/aim/planning deficiencies, then you're either a Fascist or maybe you just think Philip K. Dick was full of shit.

Basically everybody's Fascist but Canada.

Kyujo Incident

The Target:

Japanese Emperor Hirohito and other officials, when they were on the verge of surrendering WWII.

If Successful:

Japan would be a barren wasteland.

By mid-August 1945, the war in the Pacific was just about over. The USSR had bounced Japan's ass out of Manchuria; Hiroshima and Nagasaki were still smoldering; and Emperor Hirohito was finally ready to announce he was going to call it a day and surrender.

But not everyone on Team Japan was cool with surrendering to the Allies. So officers of the War Ministry and the Imperial Guard concocted the plan to prevent Hirohito's announcement of surrender, namely by assassinating all of the peaceniks except for the emperor, who would be placed under "protective custody."

Then the plan would be to broadcast an alternate speech declaring Japan's intention to fight down to the last man, woman and child. Fortunately, four officers went A-Team on the conspirators' asses and the whole shebang fell apart at the last minute.

But What if They Succeeded?

Japan would be a barren wasteland. And we'd all probably be radioactive mutants.

Had Hirohito not surrendered, the Allies would have implemented Operation Downfall, an apocalyptic plan that would have resulted in millions of Allied casualties and tens of millions of Japanese casualties. One military planner estimated that SEVEN atomic bombs would have been ready for detonation by X-Day, which was scheduled for November 1, 1945.

And as if this scenario wasn't horrific enough, the U.S. had absolutely no idea what the fuck they were doing with nuclear warfare, and were prepared to send troops into ground zero with no radiation gear whatsoever only 48-hours after the atomic bombings.

And don't think that it would have just been American troops dropping into Radiationland. Allied troops from Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand would have also been invited to the poison party.

Keep your nukes close, and your infantry closer.

And then they'd all have gone home and got started on that baby boom we've heard so much about. Would the next generation have been born with grotesque deformities? Or superpowers?

The world will never know.

The Spanish Armada Fails to Off Elizabeth I

The Target:

Queen Elizabeth I

If Successful:

The U.S.A. would not exist.

Way back in 1588, England was just an isolated island with a lot of enemies and Spain was the undisputed champion of the New World. But Spanish King Philip wanted more, specifically he wanted his kid on the throne in England and to make it Catholic. Which meant he needed Elizabeth I out of the way.


So like all dads hoping to usurp the last Protestant heir to the House of Tudors, Philip built up an Armada to get the deed done. Unfortunately for him, poor planning and shitty weather got his Armada's ass kicked all around the British Isles. To this day England credits their win to the notion that God is a Protestant.

But What If They Succeeded?

Viva los Estados Unidos!

Or something like that. Had Phillip successfully wiped out Elizabeth, the ongoing Catholicism versus Protestantism death match would have ended with a bloody Elizabeth/Protestant England knocked out cold and a victorious Philip/Catholic Spain doing a salsa-infused victory dance around the ring/Europe.

Spain is here represented by Don Flamenco.

The implications of a Spanish victory over England would have been huge. Like, we all speak Spanish now, huge.

Instead, the Armada was defeated and England was on its way to dominance. Had the Armada landed, Philip would have eradicated Protestantism, which would have meant no funding of English religious colonies in the New World, no British empire (in fact, no United Kingdom at all) and, of course, no American Revolution.

Instead, Spain would have continued their takeover of the New World, but with an undefeated navy backing up their endeavors. Not only would Europe and North America have been dominated by Spain, but the destruction of the Protestant faith would have probably knocked out the Enlightenment as well, because the non-Catholic arm of the Christian church was a little more open to new ideas back then. So we'd all be getting our science from the Creation Museum. In Spanish.

The Gunpowder Plot

The Target:

King James I and Parliament

If Successful:

The U.S.A. would not exist even more than in that last entry.

On November 5, 1605, a handful of pissed-off British Catholics thought they'd get the religious tolerance ball rolling by blowing up King James I and Parliament. The plan was simple: get 36 barrels of gunpowder in the basement of the House of Lords, light it, run, assume the revolution was underway.

Google Image result for "The Revolution."

Except the revolution never even got their drum machine set up, because Protestant James was tipped off about his pending assassination days before. Conspirators were subsequently discovered and executed in horrific Saw-like manners.

But What if They Had Succeeded?

The U.S.A. wouldn't exist (not as you know it, anyway).

The idea, according to some historians, is that the act of terrorism would have actually sparked a whale of a backlash against the country's Catholics. Like, Salem Witch Hunts where targets aren't accused of sexing it up with the Devil, but religioning it up WITH THE POPE.

As it played out, King James' son Charles went pretty easy on the Catholics and reversed a lot of anti-Catholic policies. But in this alternate universe where Catholic terrorists blew up his dad, you can imagine how that would have changed things.

That Charles would've gone bananas for Protestantism, probably turning England into a hard-lined Protestant absolute monarchy. England would have become one of the most frigid, God-fearing, stuck-up places on the planet, thus making the whole voyage of the Mayflower unnecessary--the Puritans would have had no reason to leave.

Without the Mayflower, we wouldn't have the Mayflower Compact, the document that established a watered down form of democracy in the colonies. And without a thriving, orderly, colonial system to develop the continent, the U.S.A. would have likely remained a Loose Collection of Multinational Settlements.

L-C-M-S! L-C-M-S! These colors don't run!

Spanish, French, Russians, Native Americans and Dutch settlements, to be precise.

So just when you start wondering if America totally made a deal with the Devil (or God?) to thwart these "the U.S.A. would never have happened" assassination scenarios, we're going to submit another one. Behold:

The Tory Conspiracy

The Target:

George Washington

If Successful:

The British would have won the Revolutionary War, the U.S.A. would not... well, you know.

On June 21, 1776 several pro-British Americans, or Tories, were implicated in a plot to assassinate General Washington and recruit enough Loyalists to take on the Yankee army. Included in the conspiracy were several of Washington's personal bodyguards, as well as the ex-governor of New York and then current mayor of New York City.

Only one conspirator, Thomas Hickey, was actually put on trial for treason. He was executed in front of no less than 20,000 spectators one whole week after the plot was discovered. And thus American Justice was born.

But What if They Succeeded?

The British would have won the Revolutionary War.

By most accounts, the Continental Army should have lost the war anyway. But without Washington's leadership of the underfunded, under clothed farmer-soldiers and his brilliant strategy of avoiding major battles whenever possible, the revolution would have ended in a short, sputtering anti-climatic disaster.

Especially since most of the entire army nearly called it quits at the end of their enlistment terms in December of 1776. It was Washington's charisma and handsome jowls that persuaded them to continue on. And when they did, he had congress change their enlistment terms so that they'd stick around for the length of the war. Without him and Monsieur King Louis, the British would've had thrashed the colonies in short order.

Alternate Universe America, January, 2010.


Monday, 11 January 2010

Jolie's Hips make girls look younger!!!!

Women, who have full, firm lips like those of Angelina Jolie’s, look much younger than they really are, a study has Revealed.

Jolie’s lips have been voted the most desirable in the world in a poll where women longed to look like the beautiful actress. Researchers believe that even if a woman gets wrinkles and her hair loses its sheen and begins to grey, fuller lips can save the day.

The experts also found why lips become shrivelled or stay firm is mainly determined by genes not just external causes like sun damage. The findings of the Unilever study at seven world universities appear to confirm that a full pout is a key sign of sexual allure, reports the Daily Express .

Previous studies have also determined facial attractiveness is a combination of large eyes and full lips as well as the relationship between the face contour and the eyes, mouth and nose. Lip shrinkage usually begins between the ages of 30 and 40.

'3' Idiots

R Madhavan cannot stop smiling after scoring a huge hit in 3 Idiots, co-starring Aamir Khan, Kareena Kapoor and Sharman Joshi.

The actor's performance has been much appreciated, and Bollywood seems to have opened its doors even wider to him.

He tells Syed Firdaus Ashraf how his life has changed after the film's release.

How is life after the success of 3 Idiots?

I think we moved from happiness to supreme happiness to ecstasy. Now, we're numb. I don't know how to react any more because the film has broken Sholay's record. It has touched people the way we expected it to. I have seldom met someone, who has not seen the film more than once. So obviously, the film has stuck a chord somewhere. I think (director) Raju Hirani is the true superstar of the film.

But how has your life changed after its release?

Let us put this way: I cannot eat paani puri on the road. But I'm not complaining.

People have come and told me that they could open up and speak to their fathers in real life just like my character, Farhan Qureshi did in 3 Idiots.

Friday, 8 January 2010

Ambani Brothers Hand In Ysr Death ?

Rumors getting spicy with the news that the death of Ap Chief Minister Y s Rajshekar Reddy is not an accident but an assassination and a murder .

A local news channel reportedly based on a Russian magazine telecasted the news that ysr was murdered with a great planning and the culprits are none other than Reliance Brothers Mukesh Ambani and Anil Ambani.

As the the record in the black box hasn’t revealed till now which is suspicious is being the oil for the fire to make the rumor stronger. It is said that Mareppa heard some unofficial talk regarding the black box material stating that YSR shouted and also quarreled with pilot. But that is kept under wraps as big names may come out” and Mareppa himself stated this in his interview.

It is said that Reliance is allegedly involved in the sabotage of the helicopter that carried him to his fateful death, reports a news channel TV5. The Godavari Gas Basin issue is supposedly the bone of contention.

Congress workers and ysr followers are now on a rampage and state-wide Reliance outlets and offices have been forcibly shut down.

Meanwhile we have seen a article of a blogger making is analysis of ysr death and its reasons as follows ….

many people think that YSR died accidentally and few think that Sonia Gandhi got him killed.
But fact is different !
in Godavari basin, 38 lakh crores worth of natural gas and oil reserves were found.
Reliance group asked for that contract on which CM of AP had to sign.
YSR asked for 5000 crores as bribe before elections.
Mukesh Ambani offered only 200 crores.
YSR refused and the matter went to sonia gandhi.
She called upon YSR and warned him not to play with ambani’s mafia network.
She already was furious on YSR for making large amounts in AP but not giving them to party for elections.
So Ambani guys gave 100CR to mafia and sonia , inspite of knowing this , kept quiet.
Now she made dummy Rosaiah who will sign on any papers for his life.

YS Jagan wanted CM post but Sonia knew that this young fellow is more head strong and adamant than his father so she didnt allow him.
Now he funded both KCR(500 crores) and Lagadapati(1500 crores) to make pro-telangana and pro-samaikyandha agitations and disturb rosaiah’s govt.
They both paid other MLAs, corporators, student unions and few rowdy gangs to create nuisance in state.
Sonia enquired about all this and now exposed N.D.Tiwari (his videos were shot much before elections when he rejected mining contract to a pimp from UP, but they waited for right time to change governer) and wantedly brough narasimhan, who is ex- intelligence bureau chief.
Now Sonia gandhi expects narasimhan to kill every one who creates nuisance in state and restore rosaiah’s position till 2014

However this article was written a couple of days back before the rumors has been tele casted and to co incidence this is the same as the rumors going on….

The russian magazine website is now down for some reasons and this is also said to be a plan of reliance brothers.